We don't use chemicals inside The Hilary as our cleaning is the chemical free Enjo system and I don't use them in the garden either but I am running out of anti-slug remedies: Egg shells - don't work, cotton wool - doesn't work - beer in a slug trap - just attracts more of them and they eat everything on route to the beer! The little and not so little blighters even go across the gravel and sand - it has now been suggested that we try hair! I might have to speak to a close friend who's a hair dresser as there's no way I'm shaving by head just to save our garden - award winning as it may be. Until then, I am still going out very night with my bucket and collecting over 100 a night. You'd think after weeks of this the number would be going down - but, no, they must reproduce as if there's no tomorrow.
Had a lovely dinner at the St Tudno last week and I've got some 10% off vouchers for our guests to enjoy afternoon tea or dinner there.
Katie was 8 on Monday - talk about blink and time moves on - these 8 years have gone so fast - my baby -8 - still can't believe it. She had a Victorian tea party and cookery lesson for her birthday. 12 lovely little girls and several 'let's get into the theme of it' adults attended!
Katie even made her own cake! Next milestone is Nicol being 10 in October - although Colin is 45 today - my toy boy!
I'm listening to our local radio station
Tudno FM while working this afternoon - more singing along and toe tapping that work being done as you can imagine.
Off to see the George Formby Players tonight at the
aeroplane that's parked on Llandudno prom! Very
Last night was a spot of skim boarding at West Shore - or at least Nicol and Katie skim boarding as Col and I shouted lots of encouragement from the shore line!
We'll be Roman's again on Sunday at Segontium - but off out now to enjoy the sunshine - ignore the weather man -it is not raining all over Wales - at least not in Llandudno it's not!
Hwyl Fawr
Bye for now from The Hilary Guest Hosue in Llandudno
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